Your Friends are Gonna Die Tomorrow and You Gotta Look For the New Ones

2 min readMar 7, 2021

Nobody’s going to help you, not even your best friends. But there’s an exception when you’re in a near-death situation and people suddenly want to give their last nice impression. It’s funny how people are afraid of being unaccepted and seen as the terrible ones. That’s why they help each other do the right thing, and terrified of they would be without each other. And it is also irresistible that they keep trying to look nice in front of others so religiously, and put beliefs that their existence matters, though it’s actually not.

You may disagree with this, but staying in the bedroom alone with a can of soda will bring you sheer solitude. It gets better if you have a wheat biscuit as an extra. I mean, those are much better rather than hanging out with your friends, in an overrated cafe, at the corner of your town, the one that’s filled with young lads seeking affirmation with their oversized basic tees, which they claimed never get old. Your friends and everyone there are talking so loudly like it’s normal. They’re talking about themselves so goodly and throwing jokes from a famous stand-up comedian they watched on YouTube, and thinking that they’re so funny and genius. But, the silliest thing of it all is they’re faking their incapability with bringing the hard topic onto the table while raising their voice when it’s all about cryptocurrency, global warming, and wisdom.

Your friends are getting older and smarter at math and they always speak with data. They earned such skills from the book that is very thick and has “One of the most important books I’ve ever read” review by Bill Gates. The review made them feel so important and they feel like know it all even they merely keep the book on their shelf — maybe it’s because they’ve read its summary someplace else. This makes me believe that books won’t make one smart. If you’re destined to be stupid, you’ll always be stupid. And if you’re destined to be poor, you’ll always be poor, no matter what you do. However, it’s not something to regret, but to legitimately admit and live with. Now you can picture that ants are better than your friends. That little insects understand once they become a soldier, they’ll always be a soldier, and so goes to the queen.

I can’t say that I hate some of my friends on their faces. I just happened to befriend them, so I ought to be carefree because everyone simply wants to build an economy around them.

One day, I met someone who asked me about the meaning of a family. They asked it as if they weren’t getting affection when they’re just a little kid. That’s ridiculous.

Most of your friends are just burdens, but they don’t realize it.




Do you see that child’s rusty tricycle on the curb?